第4章 今日逃生

  时间过得总是很快,一转眼,英国七天六夜的行程就结束了,在离开之前,天宇和英炫一直在昏迷着所有人都不知道他俩这是怎么了,当然所有人里面除了纤芸、雨陌和女皇,转回正题,临走之前,女皇依依不舍得对纤芸和雨陌说了一番话,使她们倍感伤感:“Yun, Mo Ye is coming back to the Chinese, go back to before, behind the scenes with you two. In fact, you are two hot cold, not good at expression of children, especially in art. For this character, is not bad, but sometimes very easy but misunderstood! Yesterday morning, the mother saw the two of you are very far from the sky and the Xuan sitting, mother would say, happy to hold, otherwise, lost in the regret it too late!(芸、陌你们马上就要回到中国了,再回去之前,幕后想对你们两个说。其实你们两个都是外冷内热,不善于表达的孩子,尤其是芸。对于这种性格,也不是完全的不好,但是有时很容易然人误会!前几天早上,母后看见你们两个坐的离天宇和英炫都挺远的,母后想说,幸福要把握住,要不,失去了在后悔就来不及了!)”露丝女皇对于这几天得观察做出了评论,不等纤芸和雨陌开口紧接着又说:“Fiber art, successors of the things, I hope you consider, mother will not insist you! The line, the plane take off soon, you go!(纤芸,接班人的事,我希望你在考虑一下,母后不会强求你!行了,飞机也快起飞了,你们赶快走吧!)”纤芸点点头,和雨陌一并走出房间




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